2. Roosevelt addressed the struggles of industry with the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA). Which of the following was not one of the main components of this effort?

African American labor assistance
Public works projects
National Recovery Administration
Fair practice codes of conduct

The Civil Rights movement didn't really get off the ground until the 1950s and 1960s. When was Roosevelt president? Which of the four doesn't fit the timeline of his presidency?


To determine which of the options was not one of the main components of the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA), let's briefly explain what the NIRA entailed.

The National Industrial Recovery Act was passed in 1933 as part of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal programs aimed at addressing the economic crisis of the Great Depression. The NIRA sought to revive the struggling industry and stabilize the economy by promoting fair business practices, providing economic relief, and stimulating employment.

Now, let's examine each of the given options:

1. African American labor assistance: This option refers to providing support specifically to African American workers in the industrial sector. While the NIRA was primarily focused on reviving industry and stabilizing the economy, it did not have specific provisions for African American labor assistance. Therefore, African American labor assistance was not one of the main components of the NIRA.

2. Public works projects: Public works projects were a significant component of the NIRA. The act aimed to stimulate employment by funding large-scale infrastructure projects such as road construction, bridge building, and the development of public utilities.

3. National Recovery Administration: The National Recovery Administration (NRA) was a central component of the NIRA. The NRA was responsible for implementing the fair practice codes and ensuring compliance with labor regulations, production limits, and fair competition measures.

4. Fair practice codes of conduct: Fair practice codes of conduct were integral to the NIRA's objectives. These codes aimed to regulate business practices, prevent unfair competition, set minimum wages, and establish standards for working conditions.

Based on the explanations above, African American labor assistance was not one of the main components of the NIRA. Therefore, the correct option is: African American labor assistance.