Joshua jumps from a platform diving board that is 32 feet above the water. The position of the diver can be modeled by s(t) = -16t2+16t+32, where s is his position and t is the seconds that have gone by since he jumped.

When does the diver hit the water, and what was his velocity?

Oh good grief, feet :( old text

had initial speed 16 ft/s up ? I guess ?

h = 32 + 16 t - 16 t^2
0 = 32 + 16 t - 16 t^2
solve quadratic

t = [ -16 +/- sqrt ( 256+2048) ] /-32
t = 2 seconds

v = dh/dt = 16 - 32 t
= 16 - 64
= -48 ft/s

To find when the diver hits the water, we need to determine the value of t when s(t) equals zero. This is because at the time when the diver hits the water, his position is at the water level.

Let's set s(t) = 0:
-16t^2 + 16t + 32 = 0

Now, we can solve this quadratic equation. We can either factor it or use the quadratic formula. To use the quadratic formula, which is a = -16, b = 16, and c = 32, the formula is:

t = (-b ± √(b^2 - 4ac)) / (2a)

Applying the formula, we have:

t = (-(16) ± √((16)^2 - 4(-16)(32))) / (2(-16))
t = (-16 ± √(256 + 2048)) / (-32)
t = (-16 ± √(2304)) / (-32)
t = (-16 ± 48) / (-32)

This gives us two possible solutions:

1. When t = (-16 + 48) / (-32) = 32 / -32 = -1
2. When t = (-16 - 48) / (-32) = -64 / -32 = 2

Since time cannot be negative in this context, the diver hits the water at t = 2 seconds.

To find the velocity of the diver at that time t = 2, we can calculate the derivative of s(t) with respect to t. The derivative of s(t) is the velocity function v(t).

v(t) = s'(t) = -32t + 16

Substituting t = 2 into this equation gives us:

v(2) = -32(2) + 16
v(2) = -64 + 16
v(2) = -48

Therefore, the velocity of the diver when he hits the water is -48 feet per second.

To find out when the diver hits the water and what his velocity is, we need to solve the equation s(t) = -16t^2 + 16t + 32 for t.

To do this, set s(t) equal to zero since the water level is at height zero.

0 = -16t^2 + 16t + 32

Now we have a quadratic equation. We can solve it by factoring, completing the square, or using the quadratic formula. Let's use the quadratic formula:

t = (-b ± √(b^2 - 4ac)) / (2a)

In this equation, a = -16, b = 16, and c = 32. Plug in these values:

t = (-16 ± √(16^2 - 4(-16)(32))) / (2(-16))

Simplifying further:

t = (-16 ± √(256 + 2048)) / (-32)
t = (-16 ± √2304) / (-32)
t = (-16 ± 48) / (-32)

Now we get two solutions:

t1 = (-16 + 48) / (-32)
t2 = (-16 - 48) / (-32)

Calculating further:

t1 = 32 / -32
t1 = -1

t2 = -64 / -32
t2 = 2

Therefore, the diver hits the water at t = -1 (one second before jumping) and t = 2 (two seconds after jumping).

To find the velocity at these times, we can take the derivative of the position function, s(t), with respect to time, t:

v(t) = s'(t)
v(t) = -32t + 16

Now we can substitute t = -1 and t = 2 into the velocity function to find the diver's velocities at those times:

v(-1) = -32(-1) + 16
v(-1) = 32 + 16
v(-1) = 48 ft/s

v(2) = -32(2) + 16
v(2) = -64 + 16
v(2) = -48 ft/s

Therefore, the diver's velocity at t = -1 is 48 ft/s and at t = 2 is -48 ft/s. The negative velocity at t = 2 indicates that the diver is moving downward at that time.