The average monthly benefit B for certain individuals is given by the equation B=18.75+585.72, where t is the number of years since 1990. In what year will the monthly benefit B exceed $1050? That is, solve B>1050.


where is the t?

t was not provided in the equation that's why I'm having such a hard time trying to solve the problem there is not even an example in my book

well, let's just assume that there is a t. After all, if there is none, the B is just a constant: 604.47

So, since polynomials are normally written in descending power order, I'd guess

B = 18.75t + 585.72

So, you want to solve

18.75t + 585.72 > 1050
18.75t > 464.28
t > 24.76

1990 + 24.76 will be in the year 2014

To solve the equation B > 1050, we need to find the value of t (number of years since 1990) when the monthly benefit B exceeds $1050.

Given the equation B = 18.75t + 585.72, we can substitute B > 1050 into the equation and solve for t:

18.75t + 585.72 > 1050

Subtracting 585.72 from both sides:

18.75t > 1050 - 585.72
18.75t > 464.28

Now, divide both sides by 18.75 to solve for t:

t > 464.28 / 18.75

Calculating the right side of the equation:

t > 24.74

Since t represents the number of years since 1990, we need to add 1990 to find the specific year when the monthly benefit will exceed $1050:

1990 + 24.74 ≈ 2014.74

Rounding up to the nearest whole number, we get:

The monthly benefit B will exceed $1050 in the year 2015.