a school bus traveling along a straight road from school was found to be 2.0km North of the school 4minutes later. In another 4minutes it was 4km West of the school. Draw the position of the bus from school.

To draw the position of the bus from school, we need to consider the directions and distances traveled. Let's visualize the scenario step by step:

1. Start by drawing a point to represent the school.
2. Since the bus traveled 2.0 km north in 4 minutes, we can draw a line segment 2.0 km long pointing upwards (north) from the school.
3. Next, the bus traveled 4 km west in another 4 minutes. Draw a line segment perpendicular to the north line, 4.0 km in length, pointing to the left (west).
4. To complete the diagram, connect the end of the west line to the starting point of the north line. This line represents the path traveled by the bus.

The final drawing should look like a right-angled triangle with the school as the right-angle vertex, the north line as the vertical side, and the west line as the horizontal side.

Note that the scale and proportions of the drawing are not specified in the question, so you can make an approximate representation based on the information given.