a cube has a volume of 125cm ^3. What is the area in cm^2 of one face of the cube? (^ = Exponent)

The cube root of 125 = 5

Each side of the cube is 5 cm.

A = 5 * 5

A = 25 sq. cm.

25 squared Centimeters

5 for each face


To find the area of one face of a cube, we first need to determine the length of one side of the cube. Since a cube has all sides equal in length, we can find this value by taking the cube root of its volume.

In this case, the volume of the cube is given as 125 cm^3. To find the side length, we take the cube root of 125:

Side length = ∛125 = 5 cm

Now that we know the side length of the cube, we can calculate the area of one face. The area of a square (which is what the face of a cube is) is calculated by squaring the length of one side.

Area of one face = (Side length)^2 = 5^2 = 25 cm^2

Therefore, the area of one face of the given cube is 25 cm^2.