theta = 16 pi / 5

How to find the reference angle in radians? Do i have to use degree to pi conversion?

16pi/5 = 16*180/5 = 576o = 1.6 Rev.

A = 0.6Rev * 360o/Rev = 216o, Q3.

In Q3, A - Ar = 180o
216 - Ar = 180
Ar = 36o = Reference angle.

Ar = (36o/360o) * 2pi = 2pi/10 Radians.


In Q2, A + Ar = 180o

In Q4, A + Ar = 360o

To find the reference angle in radians, you can use the formula `reference angle = theta - (2 * pi * floor(theta / (2 * pi)))`, where `theta` is the given angle.

In this case, theta = 16pi/5. To find the reference angle, follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the floor value of theta / (2 * pi).

floor(x) represents the largest integer that is less than or equal to x.

In this case, floor(16pi/5 / (2 * pi)) = floor(16/10) = 1.

Step 2: Multiply the floor value by (2 * pi).

1 * (2 * pi) = 2pi.

Step 3: Subtract the result of step 2 from theta.

16pi/5 - 2pi = 16pi/5 - 10pi/5 = 6pi/5.

Therefore, the reference angle in radians for theta = 16pi/5 is 6pi/5.

You do not need to convert degrees to radians in this case since the given angle, theta, is already in radians.