If you can earn a 4% average return on your investments, how much invested capital must you have to earn $53000.00 per year.

0.04x = 53,000

x = 1,325,000

To find out how much invested capital you need, we can use the concept of the "return on investment" (ROI) formula. The formula is:

ROI = (Net Income / Invested Capital) * 100

In this case, you want to earn $53,000 per year, and the average return on your investments is 4%.

Step 1: Convert the ROI to decimal form.
4% is equivalent to 0.04, as it is divided by 100.

Step 2: Rearrange the formula to solve for Invested Capital.
Invested capital = Net Income / ROI

Step 3: Substitute the given values into the formula.
Invested capital = $53,000 / 0.04

Step 4: Calculate the result.
Invested capital = $1,325,000

Therefore, you would need to have $1,325,000 in invested capital to earn $53,000 per year with a 4% average return on your investments.