Susan's grandmother gave her 25 dollars and plans to save 2.50 dollars each week but instead of Susan spending the 25 she decides to deposit the 25 dollars in a bank. How will the line change if she deposits 25 from her grandmother but decided she can only save 2.00 dollars a week

If Susan's grandmother gave her 25 dollars and Susan decides to deposit the entire amount in a bank, the line representing Susan's savings would start at 25 dollars. Assuming that she saves 2 dollars per week, the savings would increase by 2 dollars each week.

To calculate the change in the line, we can use the equation:

y = mx + b

y represents Susan's savings
m represents the rate of change (2 dollars per week)
x represents the number of weeks
b represents the initial amount (25 dollars)

The equation would then be:

y = 2x + 25

This equation represents a linear relationship between the number of weeks (x) and Susan's savings (y). By plugging in different values for x, you can find the corresponding values for y, which will give you the savings she will have at each week.

For example, after 1 week, her savings would be:
y = 2(1) + 25 = 27 dollars

After 2 weeks, her savings would be:
y = 2(2) + 25 = 29 dollars

And so on.

You can continue this process to find out the savings at different time points and plot them on a graph to see how the line representing her savings changes over time.