Craft a charming, peaceful rural landscape scene showing a farm owned by a man named Mac. The image should contain exactly 18 horses and 27 cows scattered across the green pastures, grazing under a bright blue sky. The farm should also have a rustic barn, a hay bale, and a wooden fence bordering the property. The animals and other elements should be scattered in a way that maintains the balance and appeal of the scene. Remember to not include any text in the image.

Mac's farm has a total of 18 horses and 27 cows. What is the ratio of horses to cows in simplest form?

A. 6/9
B. 18/27
C. 2/3
D. 3/2
Is the answer C?
Thank you

for online students


1. 2/3

2. 12:27
3. 1.28/1 gallon
4. 16 months
5. 80

100% ๐Ÿ’•

Unit 5 Application of Proportions Lesson 1

1. C (2/3)

2. D ( 12 : 27 )

3. B ( $ 1.28 / 1 gallon )

4. B ( 16 months )

5. A ( 80 )

Wow thanks '-the math wiz' all yours are correct !!


^ 100%


ty math wiz 100% 5/5

The math wiz Is correct all of them are correct if youโ€™re in eighth grade and only have five questions

on mine there is no 16 months or 80 for the last 2