"Write a monologue revealing the unspoken thoughts and feelings of one of the characters in "Everything Stuck to Him." Use the personal pronoun "I." Choose one of the following scenes to step into the character's mind: a) the girl sitting up alone with the crying baby, b) the boy sitting alone in the car, or c) the women looking at her finger nails after hearing the story."

I have read this story a few times, but I am having trouble figuring out how to start this monologue. Could you perhaps give me an idea of what the best way to start off would be? Preferably with scene "c"?

How about this for a start?

"Are you going to show me the city after all?" she asked.

Certainly! To start off your monologue based on scene "c" in the story "Everything Stuck to Him," you can set the tone and introduce the character's mindset by describing the immediate aftermath of hearing the story and looking at her fingernails. Here's an example of how you can begin your monologue:


I sit here, surrounded by a room filled with hushed whispers and distant echoes of laughter. But my mind, oh, my mind is far away from this place. It's fixated on that story I just heard, like a haunting melody that refuses to fade away. As I absentmindedly gaze at my fingernails, a sea of pale pink, my eyes fail to truly see them. They are nothing more than ornaments, betraying the turmoil brewing within me.

My fingers trace the edges of each nail, desperate for some comfort, any kind of distraction from the heavy weight that now weighs upon my heart. But no matter how meticulously I inspect every crevice and crease, these nails can't hide the truth. They can't shield me from the sorrow that seeps into every pore of my being.

I see the reflection of those women in their designer dresses, their laughter tinged with a touch of indifference. They move on so effortlessly from one tale to the next, their minds never grappling with the depths of despair. But for me, the resonance of that story becomes an echoing chamber in my mind, its haunting specter refusing to release me from its grip.

My fingernails, once a canvas for self-expression, are now mere remnants of a life I used to know—a life untouched by the cruel tales that echo through these walls. The weight of each brush stroke, each swirl of color, has faded into insignificance, drowned out by the relentless whispers of anguish that now define my existence.

So I sit here, my gaze fixed upon these pale pink nails, searching for answers hidden within their delicate sheen. But all I find is a reflection of a woman torn between worlds. A woman caught between the facade of tranquility and the tempest brewing beneath her fragile exterior.


Starting your monologue with introspection and setting the mood based on the character's reaction to the story and her fingernails can provide a powerful and evocative beginning for your monologue. Remember to delve into the character's thoughts and feelings, expanding on her emotional journey as the monologue progresses.