Which of the following words is similar in meaning to the word passively?

A. lazily
B. uninterestingly
C. Inactively
D. emotionally
Is the answer D?

Yes. C is the answer.


Please look these words up in a dictionary.


The dictionary is a great friend!! I love words! Yeeuh!!!!

Would it be C?

No, the answer is not D. To determine which word is similar in meaning to the word "passively," we need to understand the meaning of "passively" first.

Passively is an adverb that describes someone doing something without active effort or resistance. It suggests a lack of involvement, assertiveness, or initiative.

To find a word with a similar meaning, let's analyze the given options:

A. "Lazily" means doing something in a relaxed or slow manner, without much effort. It is not directly similar to "passively" as it refers to the degree of physical exertion rather than lack of involvement or initiative.

B. "Uninterestingly" means in a manner that lacks interest or excitement. While it suggests a lack of engagement, it is not an exact synonym for "passively."

C. "Inactively" is a good match to "passively." It means without action or movement, similar to "passively" meaning without active effort.

D. "Emotionally" relates to emotions rather than the lack of action or initiative. It does not have a similar meaning to "passively."

Considering the above explanations, the correct answer is C. "Inactively" is similar in meaning to "passively."