1. He is an actor.

2. She is an actor.
3. She is an actress.

Is Sentence 2 grammatical?

I like 1 and 3 best, but 2 is also considered correct these days. =)

To determine if Sentence 2 is grammatically correct, we need to understand the rules of English grammar. In English, gender-neutral terms are often preferred to promote inclusivity and avoid assumptions based on gender. Therefore, the use of "actor" to refer to individuals regardless of their gender is more common.

In Sentence 2, "She is an actor," the use of the word "she" suggests that the person being referred to is female. While it is not grammatically incorrect to say "actress" when referring to a female actor, the use of the gender-neutral term "actor" is generally preferred. So, Sentence 2 is grammatically correct, but the use of "actor" instead of "actress" would be more common and inclusive.