I am in a group of five and need help with my powerpoint project , never did one before question is dividing the self into different aspect and addressing how an independent collectivistic culture impacts those aspect of the self

What you wrote is difficult to understand, but I think you're asking about two different things.

How to do good PowerPoint presentations:

How does peer-pressure affect a teenager:

To address your question on dividing the self into different aspects and exploring how an independent collectivistic culture impacts those aspects, you can follow these steps:

1. Research independent and collectivistic cultures: Begin by gaining a clear understanding of what independent and collectivistic cultures are. Independent cultures prioritize autonomy, self-expression, and individual achievements, while collectivistic cultures emphasize interdependence, group harmony, and collective goals.

2. Identify key aspects of the self: Note down the different dimensions or aspects of the self that you want to explore in your PowerPoint project. Some common aspects include personal values, self-identity, decision-making, relationships, communication style, and social roles.

3. Analyze the impact of independent culture on the identified aspects: For each aspect, examine how an individual growing up in an independent culture might experience and shape that particular dimension of the self. Consider the influence of factors like personal aspirations, freedom of choice, individualism, and competition.

4. Analyze the impact of collectivistic culture on the identified aspects: Similarly, explore how an individual from a collectivistic culture might be influenced by cultural norms, social expectations, conformity, interdependence, cooperation, and the significance of group identity and harmony.

5. Compare and contrast the differences: In your PowerPoint project, present a comparison of how these two cultural orientations impact each aspect of the self you have identified. Highlight the contrasting values, beliefs, behaviors, and their consequences on individuals within each culture.

6. Provide examples and evidence: Support your claims and analyses with real-life examples, case studies, or research findings to make your project more informative and credible. Utilize academic sources, psychology journals, books, or reputable websites to gather relevant information.

7. Design your PowerPoint presentation: Create visually appealing slides that clearly present your points. Keep the content concise and organized, using bullet points, visuals, and clear headings. Include relevant images or graphics to enhance understanding and engagement.

8. Practice and present: Before presenting your project, rehearse your presentation multiple times to feel confident and comfortable while explaining your points. Pay attention to your tone, pacing, and body language during the presentation to effectively communicate your ideas.

By following these steps, you can create a comprehensive PowerPoint project that explores the impact of an independent collectivistic culture on different aspects of the self. Remember, thorough research, clear organization, and engaging visuals are key to delivering an effective presentation.