Which of the following is the best version of a thesis statement about charter schools?

a. A charter school is a tax supported established by a charter between a school board and outside group of teachers or parents.
b.A charter school operates without local and state educational regulations
c.Charter schools are nontraditional schools supported by poorer neighborhoods for a variety of reasons.
d. Advocates for charter schools hope their gradation rates will climb.
I was think the choice would be C but am not sure.

Check this definition of charter schools.


D is the best choice

That is not a definition of charter schools, but it would make a good thesis statement, if you can support it with logical and factual arguments.

To determine the best version of a thesis statement about charter schools, we need to evaluate each option and identify the one that effectively captures the main idea and argument of the essay. Let's break down each option:

a. This statement defines what a charter school is but does not present an argument or highlight any specific aspect of charter schools.

b. This statement emphasizes the lack of regulations, but again, it does not indicate any specific argument or provide further details about charter schools.

c. This statement acknowledges that charter schools are nontraditional and highlights their support from poorer neighborhoods. It presents an argument that suggests there are multiple reasons why these neighborhoods would support charter schools. This option provides a more specific and relevant thesis statement.

d. This statement mentions the hope for improved graduation rates, but it does not capture the broader argument or main idea about charter schools.

Based on the analysis, option c is the best choice for a thesis statement about charter schools.