Wendell is making punch for a party. The recipe he using says 4 cups pineapple juice, 8 cups orange juice, and 12 cups lemon lime juice to make 18 servings.

A. If he makes 108 cups of punch, how many cups of each ingredient will he use?

27 cups pineapple juice, 9 cups lemon lime juice, and 13 1/2 cup orange juice.

B. How many servings can be made from 108 cups of punch?

Did I get the correct answer for A?
Can someone help me solve question B?

Yes. It will make 81 servings.

a) 24 cups pineapple (4x6)

48 cups orange juice (8x6)
72 cups seltzer (12x6)
b) 81 servings
If 12 cups = 9 servings
Then 108 cups = 81 servings
12 x 9 = 81
c) ??? .75

Is the answer for B is 81 servings?


A. His recipe calls for 4 + 8 + 12 cups of juice. So he uses 24 cups.

Since he wants to make 108 cups, we divide 108 by 24 to get 4.5

Multiply each of the ingredients in the original recipe by 4.5 to find how many cups of each ingredient to use. He'll use 18 cups of pineapple juice.

If he uses the numbers you posted for A, he'd only have 44.5 cups of punch.

B. 24 cups of juice makes 18 servings.
24/18 = 1 1/3 cup per serving

Divide 108 by 1 1/3 to find the number of servings for 108 cups of punch.

I agree

For every cupbkbjkycjgxgixafudyocyozuradkhdrusigdyostusgixxgdiycychoxgxyiidyidiy

A. 24 cups because 4+8+12= 24

B. 20cups/ pineapple, 40cups/ orange, 48cups/lemonline soda because 20+40+48= 108

81 servings

81 servings