If a person jogs at a rate of 5 mi/h for 3 h in a week, how many calories do they burn?

This site will calculate it for you. However, there's no provision for the speed of the jogging.


To calculate the number of calories burned while jogging, you need to know the person's weight. The number of calories burned depends on both the speed of jogging and the weight of the individual.

Assuming the weight of the person is 150 pounds, we can estimate the number of calories burned using a general formula:

Calories burned = (Metabolic Equivalent of Task or MET * weight in kg * time in hours)

First, let's convert the weight from pounds to kilograms:

Weight in kg = Weight in pounds/2.205

Weight in kg = 150 pounds / 2.205 = 68.04 kg (rounded to 2 decimal places)

Now, we can calculate the MET value for jogging at a rate of 5 mi/h.

MET values represent the ratio of the metabolic rate during an activity to the resting metabolic rate. The MET value for jogging depends on the intensity of the exercise.

Jogging at a rate of 5 mi/h has a MET value of approximately 8.

Using the MET value, weight in kg, and time in hours, you can now calculate the calories burned:

Calories burned = 8 * 68.04 kg * 3 hours

Calories burned = 1632.96 calories

Therefore, if a person jogs at a rate of 5 mi/h for 3 hours, they would burn approximately 1632.96 calories. Remember that this calculation is an estimate and can vary depending on factors like individual metabolism and running efficiency.