How might a manager use leading by example to help develop ethical behavior in his or her unit?

Well, if you set a good example, or if you aren't rude to any of the worker, they will respect you better. Their is a higher chance of the workers treating the manager with respect if the manager is kind and hard working like all the other workers.

What about other ethical behaviors? Dealing fairly with customers and vendors? Being honest on taxes? Helping conserve the environment?

Yeah, Ms. Sue is right. You definitely need to include those factors into it

A manager can use leading by example to help develop ethical behavior in their unit by consistently demonstrating ethical behavior themselves. Here are a few steps they can take:

1. Understand and embody the organization's values: The manager should familiarize themselves with the organization's code of ethics and values and ensure they are consistently aligning their behavior with these principles.

2. Communicate expectations: The manager should clearly communicate their expectations regarding ethical behavior to their team. They should emphasize the importance of integrity, honesty, and ethical decision-making in the workplace.

3. Demonstrate ethical behavior: The manager needs to consistently model ethical behavior in their own actions and decisions. They should avoid any unethical practices or behaviors, such as favoritism, dishonesty, or taking credit for others' work.

4. Provide guidance and feedback: The manager should actively guide their team members when faced with ethical dilemmas. They can encourage open discussions about ethical issues and provide advice on how to make ethical choices. Additionally, they should provide constructive feedback regarding ethical behavior and address any lapses promptly.

5. Recognize and reward ethical behavior: The manager should acknowledge and reward employees who consistently demonstrate ethical behavior. This can be done through verbal praise, recognition in team meetings, or even tangible rewards. By recognizing and valuing ethical behavior, the manager can create a culture where ethical conduct is encouraged.

Overall, the manager's consistent demonstration of ethical behavior will serve as a powerful influence on their team members, helping to foster a culture of ethical behavior throughout the unit.