I must write a prose satire aimed at changing the behavior or attitude of your audience. I cannot think of any topic to write on---any help is coming up with a topic would be great!!


What interests YOU? Saving the environment? Racial equality? Politics? Lower college costs?

The important thing is for YOU to choose a topic that YOU really believe in.


There may be some ideas in here for you to choose from or that will trigger another idea in your mind.

Certainly! Here's a step-by-step process to help you brainstorm a topic for your prose satire aimed at changing behavior or attitude:

1. Identify a social issue: Start by thinking about problems or behaviors in society that you find interesting or worthy of critique. Consider areas such as politics, technology, environment, education, or even everyday life situations.

2. Research current events: Stay updated with the news and identify hot topics or ongoing debates that are relevant to your target audience. Look for controversial issues or trends that you believe need a satirical approach.

3. Analyze personal experiences: Reflect on your own experiences and interactions with society. Consider situations where you've noticed behavior or attitudes that you find problematic or amusing.

4. Make a list of absurdities or contradictions: Satire often highlights hypocrisy, absurdities, or contradictions present in society. Jot down instances where you find such elements, as they can serve as a solid foundation for your satirical piece.

5. Consider the audience: Think about who your target audience is and what issues they might resonate with. Consider their preferences, values, and concerns when choosing a topic, as this will help ensure the satire is relevant and relatable to your readers.

6. Explore subtopics: Once you have a general idea, break it down into smaller subtopics or aspects that can be satirized individually. This will help you focus your piece and create a clearer structure for your satire.

7. Test your ideas: Share your potential topic ideas with friends, family, or peers to get feedback. Discussing your ideas with others can help refine your satirical angle and ensure it resonates with your intended audience.

Remember, satire is most effective when it challenges the status quo while making people think, question, and reflect on their own behaviors and attitudes. Good luck with finding the perfect topic for your prose satire!