Prompt A: compare and contrast the topics and themes of writers from the america and european writers.

Promt B: Think about all the selections you've read thus far by european writers. examine one element that the selection have in common, not including the fact that they're all european. detail you findings.

And I didn't even get a Prompt: A answer :((

I need help with this question as well, I'm choosing prompt A.

To compare and contrast the topics and themes of writers from America and European writers, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by selecting a few American writers and European writers whose works you are familiar with or have researched. This will help you have a specific focus for your comparison.

2. Read or revisit the works of these writers to identify the topics and themes they explore. Pay attention to recurring ideas, motifs, and narratives in their works.

3. Create a table or use a Venn diagram to organize your findings. List the American writers on one side and the European writers on the other. Then, list the specific topics and themes explored by each writer under their respective names.

4. Analyze the similarities and differences in the topics and themes between American and European writers. Look for patterns, contrasts, or unique characteristics specific to each group.

5. Formulate your comparison and contrast statement based on your findings. This statement should summarize the main similarities and differences you have identified between American and European writers in terms of their topics and themes.

For the second prompt, examining common elements among the selections you have read by European writers, follow these steps:

1. Gather all the selections by European writers that you have read so far. Take notes or create a list of these selections for reference.

2. Identify an element that these selections have in common, excluding the fact that they are all European. This element could be a narrative style, a recurring theme, a specific historical context, a cultural or social issue, or any other noticeable pattern.

3. Read or review the selections to gather evidence and examples of this common element. Look for specific passages, characters, or events that exemplify this element in each selection.

4. Analyze the evidence you have gathered to draw conclusions about the common element. Consider its significance in relation to the selections and its potential impact on the overall meaning or message conveyed by the European writers.

5. Write a detailed analysis that presents your findings. Explain how this common element connects the selections by European writers and what it reveals about their shared perspectives, concerns, or artistic approaches. Use quotes and specific examples to support your analysis.

Remember, these steps provide a systematic approach to help you analyze and compare the works of writers from America and Europe or examine common elements among selections by European writers.

Interesting prompts.

Which do you choose? What is your thesis statement?

Hannah: Perhaps you should ask your teacher?