"Being an athlete takes more brains than brawn. It takes time and effort. It takes endurance and commitment. It takes an athlete who can stay in the air for 2.5 seconds while shooting a goal; an athlete who knows which laws of physics keep him there." Assess the information presented in the magazine, using appropriate calculations to support your argument.


To assess the information presented in the magazine and support your argument, you would need to perform calculations based on the given information. However, the excerpt you provided does not provide any specific numerical data or equations to analyze.

To provide a thorough assessment using calculations, we would need more specific information, such as the athlete's height, speed, angle of projection, and other relevant factors. Without these details, it is not possible to conduct meaningful calculations.

However, based on the provided information, we can make a general argument that being an athlete requires both physical and mental capabilities. It emphasizes the importance of training, endurance, commitment, and understanding the laws of physics that govern sports performances. This suggests that successful athletes must possess a combination of physical strength, mental acuity, and knowledge of the principles of physics to excel in their respective sports.

Please provide additional specific data or questions related to the information from the magazine, and I'll be happy to assist you with any calculations or analysis you need.