A child who is easy to get along with, independent and self-reliant likely was raised by a person(s) who practiced the _________________ style of parenting.

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To determine the parenting style that could contribute to a child being easy to get along with, independent, and self-reliant, we can look into the different parenting styles that exist. Parenting styles refer to the overall approach parents use to raise their children, which can influence their behavior and development.

One widely recognized framework for parenting styles was proposed by psychologist Diana Baumrind. According to Baumrind, there are generally four main parenting styles: authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and uninvolved/neglectful.

Authoritative parenting is often associated with positive outcomes in children, including independence and self-reliance. This parenting style is characterized by parents who set clear rules and expectations while also being responsive and supportive. They provide guidance and explanations for their rules, encourage open communication, value their child's opinions, and foster a sense of autonomy. With authoritative parenting, parents strike a balance between setting boundaries and allowing independence, which can contribute to a child's self-reliance and ability to get along with others.

Therefore, a child who is easy to get along with, independent, and self-reliant is likely to have been raised by a person(s) who practiced authoritative parenting.