-1.4b + 10 = (-18)

-1.4 b = -28

b = 28/1.4 = 20

-1.4b + 10 = (-18)

-1.4b = -28

b = 20

To solve the equation -1.4b + 10 = -18, we need to isolate the variable "b" on one side of the equation.

Here's the step-by-step process:

1. Start by subtracting 10 from both sides of the equation to isolate the term containing the variable:

-1.4b + 10 - 10 = -18 - 10

This simplifies to:

-1.4b = -28

2. Next, divide both sides of the equation by -1.4 to solve for "b":

-1.4b / -1.4 = -28 / -1.4

By dividing, we cancel out the -1.4 on the left side and simplify the right side:

b = 20

Therefore, the solution to the equation -1.4b + 10 = -18 is b = 20.