Which of the following are NOT sources of rights?

a)Court decisions
b)Police department policies
c)Federal Constitution

I think b is the correct answer

b is correct

B is a good answer, but I don't think that statues have anything to do with rights.

Thank you

You're welcome.

Please be sure that d. is statutes, not statues.

To determine which of the options is the correct answer, let's understand what each option represents and whether it can be considered a source of rights.

a) Court decisions: Court decisions, particularly those made by higher-level courts, can establish legal precedents that may become sources of rights. For example, landmark Supreme Court cases have interpreted the U.S. Constitution to create and protect various rights.

b) Police department policies: Police department policies generally focus on law enforcement procedures and guidelines, rather than establishing individual rights. While policies can impact how rights are enforced, they are not typically sources of rights themselves.

c) Federal Constitution: The U.S. Federal Constitution is a crucial source of rights. It outlines fundamental rights and protections for individuals and sets the legal framework for the entire country. Constitutional rights are considered highly significant and can often supersede other laws or government actions.

d) Statutes: Statutes, also known as laws, can create, modify, or limit rights. They are enacted by legislatures at the federal, state, or local levels. Statutes often fill in the details and provide specific rules regarding rights and obligations.

Thus, based on the explanations provided, it appears that option b) Police department policies is the correct answer, as police department policies are not commonly recognized as sources of rights.