A plane travels 1020 miles from New York City to Minneapolis in 3.3 hours. The return trip takes 2.75 hours.

a. How many times faster is the return trip?

speed = distance/time

speed1 = 1020/3.30
speed2 = 1020/2.75

speed2/speed1 = 1020/2.75 / 1020/3.30

= 3.30/2.75

To calculate how many times faster the return trip is, we need to compare the speeds of the two trips.

First, we need to find the speed of the plane on the trip from New York City to Minneapolis. We can calculate speed by dividing the distance traveled by the time taken:

Speed = Distance / Time

Distance = 1020 miles
Time = 3.3 hours

Speed = 1020 miles / 3.3 hours = 309.09 miles per hour (rounded to two decimal places)

Next, we calculate the speed of the plane on the return trip:

Distance = 1020 miles
Time = 2.75 hours

Speed = 1020 miles / 2.75 hours = 370.91 miles per hour (rounded to two decimal places)

Now, we can find how many times faster the return trip is by dividing the speed of the return trip by the speed of the initial trip:

Times Faster = Speed of Return Trip / Speed of Initial Trip

Times Faster = 370.91 mph / 309.09 mph = 1.20 (rounded to two decimal places)

Therefore, the return trip is approximately 1.20 times faster than the initial trip.