A vector representing 170 N is oriented at 30 degrees with the horizontal. What is the magnitude of its horizontal component? Answer in units of N.

what is 170*cos30 ?


To find the horizontal component of a vector, we can use trigonometry. The horizontal component can be found by multiplying the magnitude of the vector by the cosine of the angle between the vector and the horizontal direction.

Magnitude of the vector = 170 N
Angle with the horizontal = 30 degrees

The horizontal component can be calculated as follows:

Horizontal component = Magnitude of the vector * cos(angle)

Horizontal component = 170 N * cos(30 degrees)

Using the value of cos(30 degrees) ≈ 0.866

Horizontal component = 170 N * 0.866

Horizontal component ≈ 147.22 N

Therefore, the magnitude of the horizontal component of the vector is approximately 147.22 N.

To find the magnitude of the horizontal component of a vector, we need to use trigonometry. The horizontal component is given by the formula:

Horizontal Component = Magnitude of the Vector * Cosine of the Angle

In this case, the magnitude of the vector is given as 170 N, and the angle with the horizontal is 30 degrees. We can substitute these values into the formula and solve for the horizontal component.

Horizontal Component = 170 N * Cos(30°)

Now, let's calculate the value using a calculator or software like Python:

Horizontal Component = 170 N * Cos(30°) = 170 N * 0.866 = 147.22 N

Therefore, the magnitude of the horizontal component of the vector is 147.22 N.