How long (how many bytes) is the machine code (object code)?

1855:0100 BE0002 MOV SI,0200
1855:1030 BF0003 MOV DI,0300
1855:0106 B98000 MOV CX,0080
1855:0109 BA04 MOV AL,[SI]
1855:010B 8805 MOV DI],AL
1855:010D 46 INC SI
1855:010E 46 INC SI
1855:010F 47 INC DI
1855:0110 49 DEC CX
1855:0111 75F6 JNZ 0109
1855:0113 B87856 MOV AX,5678
1855:0116 88C3 MOV BL,AL
1855:0118 88E7 MOV BH,AH
1855:011A 81C31010 ADD BX,1010
1855:011E CD20 INT 20

To determine the length of the machine code in bytes, we can look at the addresses of the instructions and calculate the difference between the starting and ending addresses.

In this case, the starting address is 0100 and the ending address is 011E. To calculate the length, we subtract the starting address from the ending address:

011E - 0100 = 001E

Therefore, the machine code is 30 bytes long.