a projectile is fired at 50 meters per second at an angle of 30 degrees below the horizontal off a cliff that is 50 meters high. How far away and at what speed and angle will this projectile land?

Vo = 50m/s[30o]

Xo = 50*Cos(30) = 43.3 m/s.
Yo = 50*sin(30) = 25 m/s.

h = Yo*t + 0.5g*t = 59 m.
25t + 4.9t^2 = 50
4.9t^2 + 25t - 50 = 0
Use Quadratic Formula.
Tf = 1.54 s. = Fall time.

Dx = Xo * Tf = 43.3m/s * 1.54s = 66.7 m.
From the cliff.

Y = Yo + g*t = 25 + 9.8*1.54 = 40.1 m/s.
= Y component of Landing speed.

Tan A = Y/Xo = 40.1/43.3 = 0.92523
A = 42.8o = Landing angle.

V = Y/sin A = 40.1/sin42.8 = 59 m/s. =
The landing velocity.

To solve this problem, we'll need to break it down into two components: the horizontal motion and the vertical motion of the projectile.

First, let's find the time it takes for the projectile to hit the ground. We can use the vertical motion equation:
d = V₀yt + (1/2)gt²

- Initial vertical position (d₀) = 50 meters
- Initial vertical velocity (V₀y) = 50 * sin(30°) m/s (vertical component of the initial velocity)
- Acceleration due to gravity (g) = 9.8 m/s² (assuming no air resistance)

Using these values, we can rearrange the equation to solve for time (t):

0 = (50 * sin(30°))t - (1/2)(9.8)t²

Simplifying, we get:
-4.9t² + 25t - 50 = 0

Solving this quadratic equation, we find t ≈ 3.2 seconds.

Now, let's find the horizontal distance traveled by the projectile. We can use the horizontal motion equation:
d = V₀x * t

- Initial horizontal velocity (V₀x) = 50 * cos(30°) m/s (horizontal component of the initial velocity)
- Time (t) = 3.2 seconds

Using these values, we can calculate:
d = (50 * cos(30°)) * 3.2

Simplifying, we find that the projectile will land approximately 138 meters away from its starting point.

To find the final speed and angle at which the projectile lands, we can use vector addition.

The final speed (Vf) is the square root of the sum of the squares of the horizontal and vertical components of velocity:
Vf = sqrt((Vfx)² + (Vfy)²)

Vfx = V₀x (horizontal component of the initial velocity)
Vfy = V₀y - gt (vertical component of the initial velocity, minus the effect of gravity)

Using the given values, we can calculate:
Vfx = 50 * cos(30°) ≈ 43.3 m/s
Vfy = (50 * sin(30°)) - (9.8 * 3.2) ≈ 0.9 m/s

Vf = sqrt((43.3)² + (0.9)²)

Finally, the angle of impact (θ) can be found using the inverse tangent function:
θ = arctan(Vfy / Vfx)

θ = arctan(0.9 / 43.3)

Thus, the projectile will land approximately 138 meters away from its starting point at a speed of approximately 43.4 m/s and an angle of approximately 1.2 degrees above the horizontal.