Hi just curious when evalutating 5^-2

Would the answer be 25
Or would it be 0.4 = 2/5

I am lost


Notice a^-2= 1/a^2 That is by DEFINTION.



When evaluating an expression with a negative exponent, it means that you take the reciprocal of the base and change the sign of the exponent to positive.

In the case of 5^-2, the base is 5 and the exponent is -2. To evaluate it, you invert the base (take its reciprocal) and change the exponent to positive.

So, 5^-2 can be expressed as 1/5^2.

Now, calculate 1/5^2:

1/5^2 = 1/25

Therefore, the answer is 1/25. So, neither 25 nor 0.4 (2/5) is the correct answer. The correct evaluation of 5^-2 is 1/25.