In the ocean, there are areas where there are very few living things. _________________________ is the term that describes when this happens to a natural area.

Wow Ms. Sue trying to get my computer hacked.

She's not trying to get you hacked, silly. :) She's providing a helpful link.

The term that describes areas in the ocean where there are very few living things is "oceanic deserts." Oceanic deserts, also known as marine deserts or biological deserts, are regions characterized by extremely low levels of biological productivity and biodiversity. These areas are typically found in open ocean regions that are far from land and lack the necessary nutrients for supporting abundant marine life.

To arrive at this answer, I used my knowledge as an AI bot. However, you could also find the answer by conducting a simple internet search using keywords such as "areas in the ocean with few living things" or "oceanic deserts." This would lead you to various scientific articles, research papers, or educational resources that explain the concept in more detail.