Mattie is a new sociology professor at the local college. During her first lecture, she noticed that some students were yawning. Based on her interpretation of the students yawning, Mattie has decided she is a boring teacher. This is an example of the process referred to as _______.

Are these your choices?

A. socialization.

B. resocialization.

C. "looking-glass self."

D. "taking the role of significant others."

What is your answer?


This process is referred to as "self-fulfilling prophecy."

Explanation: A self-fulfilling prophecy is a belief or expectation that influences one's behavior in such a way that it ultimately causes the belief or expectation to come true. In this scenario, Mattie interprets the students yawning as a sign that she is a boring teacher. This belief may then cause her to modify her teaching style or approach, leading to a potentially less engaging or interesting lecture. As a result, the students may indeed find her lectures boring, thus fulfilling her initial belief.