True or False: The main process for digestion takes place in the stomach.

Is the answer False?

Pre-med student -- where is the small intestine located?

Ms. Sue, why do you need to ask the Pre-med student that question? What, do you think they are lying? Stop trying to prove people wrong. It's not the right way to go about life.

Anonymous: The answer is False.

Because it goes through many diffrent places and is processed in the small intestine. Right or No?

I agree with you, Molly. The statement is false.

Thank you

You're welcome.

What is the answer?!?!?!

The answer is False. While the stomach plays a crucial role in the process of digestion, it is not the main site of digestion. Digestion begins in the mouth with the physical and chemical breakdown of food through chewing and the release of saliva containing enzymes like amylase. From there, the partially digested food enters the stomach, where it is further broken down by the action of stomach acid and digestive enzymes. However, the majority of digestion actually takes place in the small intestine. It is in the small intestine where the majority of nutrient absorption occurs, and where enzymes from the pancreas and bile from the gallbladder are released to further break down and digest proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. So, in summary, while the stomach is an important organ in the digestive process, it is not the main site of digestion.

Why do you assume the answer is false? Trying to understand your reasoning

A lot of the digestion process does take place in the stomach but all of the other parts of the digestive process together make up more than that of just the stomach. Although the stomach is the spot where the greatest amount of digestion takes place if you go by the different parts involved in the process. Does that make sense?