Karen collects 6/7 quart of rainwater. She uses ½ of the water to clean her bicycle and uses the remaining water equally for 3 houseplants.

What volume of water does she use for each houseplant?

I got 1 or 2 or what number are you guys stupid I am 8 how can understand if you guys don't explain it good or even how to do it so now let me get right to the point I am not going to continue talking because you guys are no good

You guys are so wrong

(1/2)(6/7)(1/3) = 1/7

1 gallon= 4 quater


fae alley dawson im pretty sure you are the stupid 1

To find out the volume of water Karen uses for each houseplant, we first need to calculate the total volume of water she has remaining after cleaning her bicycle.

Karen collects 6/7 quart of rainwater. To find out how much water she has left after cleaning her bicycle, we need to subtract the amount of water she used to clean it.

Karen uses 1/2 (half) of the water to clean her bicycle. To calculate this, we can multiply 6/7 by 1/2.

(6/7) * (1/2) = (6 * 1) / (7 * 2) = 6/14 = 3/7 quart of water remaining

Now that we know Karen has 3/7 quart of water remaining, we can divide it equally among the 3 houseplants to find out how much water each houseplant will receive.

To calculate this, we can divide 3/7 by 3.

(3/7) / 3 = (3/7) * (1/3) = (3 * 1) / (7 * 3) = 3/21 = 1/7 quart of water for each houseplant.

Therefore, Karen will use 1/7 quart of water for each houseplant.