How can i reword this to make it stronger.

My weapon, so cleverly disposed of, shattered his skull. Broke it in to pieces. The cradle, the shield, the host of the brain he used to think he could ever leave me.
My weapon, meant to be his supper. A delicious one, even last minute. Which it was, but not for him. Never for him no, never. A leg of lamb frozen through, until I cooked it and made it tender.

And then I served the weapon, a delicious cooked leg of lamb, to the investigating policemen.

To make the passage stronger, you can consider the following rewording:

The weapon I wielded, cunningly discarded, obliterated his skull, reducing it to fragments. It shattered not only the physical barrier but also shattered his delusion that he could escape my grasp.
My weapon, intended to be his final meal, a delectable feast even at the eleventh hour. However, it remained a feast for me alone. Never him, never again. I took a frozen leg of lamb, transformed it through my cooking prowess into a succulent treat, tenderized and irresistible to the palate.

To make the reworded paragraph stronger, you can focus on enhancing the descriptive language, amplifying the intensity, and emphasizing the emotional impact. Here's a possible rewording:

With cunning precision, my weapon was expertly wielded to shatter his very skull, reducing it to fragmented remnants. It obliterated the cradle of his thoughts, the shield of his illusions, confidently reminding him of the futility in attempting to escape my grasp.
My weapon, intended to serve as his last and most satisfying feast, was meticulously prepared. Even in its last-minute creation, it promised a delectable delight—but not for him. Never for him. It was a leg of lamb, rigorously frozen, only to be flawlessly transformed by my culinary prowess into a succulent masterpiece, tender and utterly irresistible.

Remember, when rewording a paragraph, think about the intended effect on the reader and explore different ways to intensify the language, imagery, and emotions conveyed.