Which statement best describes Albigence's evaluation of Washington's leadership?

A. he thinks that Washington has been far too timid and has not thought enough about the overall picture of the war to take strong action needed.
B. he is due that if Washington had combined his forces with the massive southern army, they could smash the British forces that threaten them.
C. he feels that Washington has been wise to hold his men back, and not to their away the lives of his troops on a major battle he could not afford to lose.
D. he states that Washington has not managed his army well and his disorganized troops can hardly be thought an effective fighting force.
Is the answer D?

No, the answer is C. Albigence feels that Washington has been wise to hold his men back and not to throw away the lives of his troops on a major battle he could not afford to lose.

To find the correct answer, let's analyze the options one by one:

A. In this option, Albigence criticizes Washington for being too timid and not taking strong action. However, there is no mention of Albigence thinking about the overall picture of the war, so it does not match the statement.

B. In this option, Albigence believes that if Washington combined his forces with the southern army, they could defeat the British. There is no mention of Albigence's evaluation of Washington's leadership, so it does not match the statement.

C. In this option, Albigence supports Washington's decision to hold his men back and not engage in a major battle. This aligns with the statement, as Albigence considers Washington's approach wise to avoid risking troops' lives.

D. In this option, Albigence argues that Washington has not managed his army well, and his troops are disorganized and ineffective. It does not match the statement, as there is no mention of this evaluation.

Based on the analysis, the most fitting answer is C.
