When 10.8 g of Silver was reacted with Sulfur, 12.4 grams of product was produced (there was only one product). What is the empirical formula of the product?

2Ag + S ==> Ag2S

If you started with 10.8 g Ag and ended up with 12.4g Ag2S, that means you must have added 1.6 g S. Convert these masses to mols by mols = grams/atomic mass

mols Ag = 10.8/estimated 108 = estimated 0.1
molsl S = 1.6/estimated 32 = 0.05

Now fine the ratio of these atoms to one another with the smallest whole number being 1.00 The easy way to do that is to divide the smaller number by itself and divide the other number by the same small number.
S = 0.05/0.05 = 1.00
Ag = 0.1/0.05 = 2.00
So the formula is .....


To find the empirical formula of the product, we need to determine the ratio of atoms present in the compound. Here are the steps to follow:

Step 1: Convert the given masses to moles using the molar masses of silver and sulfur:

Molar mass of Silver (Ag) = 107.87 g/mol
Molar mass of Sulfur (S) = 32.07 g/mol

Moles of Silver = (mass of silver) / (molar mass of silver) = 10.8 g / 107.87 g/mol
Moles of Silver = 0.0999 mol

Moles of Sulfur = (mass of sulfur) / (molar mass of sulfur) = 12.4 g / 32.07 g/mol
Moles of Sulfur = 0.386 mol

Step 2: Determine the simplest whole number ratio of moles by dividing each mole value by the smaller mole value:

Dividing both mole values by 0.0999 (the smallest value), we get:

Moles of Silver = 0.0999 mol / 0.0999 mol = 1 mol
Moles of Sulfur = 0.386 mol / 0.0999 mol = 3.861 mol

Step 3: Round the resulting mole values to the nearest whole number (if necessary):

Moles of Silver = 1 mol
Moles of Sulfur = 4 mol

Step 4: Write down the empirical formula using the whole number ratios as subscripts:

Empirical formula = Ag1S4

Therefore, the empirical formula of the product is AgS4.

To determine the empirical formula of the product, we need to calculate the mole ratio of the elements present.

Step 1: Convert the mass of Silver (Ag) to moles.
The molar mass of Silver is 107.8682 g/mol.
Number of moles of Ag = mass of Ag / molar mass of Ag
= 10.8 g / 107.8682 g/mol
≈ 0.1002 mol of Ag

Step 2: Convert the mass of Sulfur (S) to moles.
The molar mass of Sulfur is 32.06 g/mol.
Number of moles of S = mass of S / molar mass of S
= 12.4 g / 32.06 g/mol
≈ 0.3863 mol of S

Step 3: Determine the mole ratio.
Divide the number of moles of each element by the smallest number of moles to obtain a whole number ratio.
Ag: 0.1002 mol / 0.1002 mol ≈ 1
S: 0.3863 mol / 0.1002 mol ≈ 3.85

The mole ratio between Ag and S is approximately 1:3.85. To simplify this ratio, we can multiply both numbers by 4 to get a whole number ratio.

Ag: 1 x 4 = 4
S: 3.85 x 4 ≈ 15.4

The simplified mole ratio is approximately Ag: S = 4:15.4. However, we need to express the empirical formula in the simplest whole number ratio.

To do this, divide both numbers by their greatest common divisor, which is 1 in this case.

Ag: S ≈ 4/1 : 15.4/1 ≈ 4:15.4

The simplest whole number ratio is approximately Ag: S = 1:3.85, which can be rounded to Ag: S = 1:4.

Therefore, the empirical formula of the product is AgS4.