Does this sentence make sense?

"His eyes swollen and were felled with tears."


Felled doesn't make any sense here.

oops sorry that was a typo, it's supposed to be filled.

"his eyes swollen and were filled with tears"
his eyes suddenly got swollen and were filled with tears"

His eyes were swollen and filled with tears.


You're welcome.

No, the sentence you provided does not make sense. It appears to contain some grammatical errors and inconsistencies. The phrase "His eyes swollen and were felled with tears" could be corrected to "His swollen eyes were filled with tears," which would make more sense.

If you come across a questionable sentence, here's a step-by-step process to evaluate its correctness:

1. Read the sentence carefully: Start by reading the sentence to grasp its overall meaning.

2. Identify potential errors: Look for grammatical errors, inconsistent tenses, illogical phrases, or any ambiguities.

3. Correct grammatical errors: If there are any obvious grammatical errors, such as subject-verb agreement or incorrect word usage, try correcting them.

4. Ensure clarity and coherence: Make sure the sentence conveys a clear and logical message. Check for any inconsistencies or ambiguities in the sentence structure.

5. Seek feedback: If you are uncertain about a certain sentence, you can ask others for their opinion. Another person's perspective might help identify any problems with the sentence construction.

Remember, it is always good to proofread and revise your writing to ensure clarity and accuracy.