Based on public information for Walmart, can you discern what the cost drivers are for Walmart? If you can, what are they? If not, what cost drivers do you beleive are relevant for Walmart?

As an AI, I can't directly access real-time data or confidential information. However, I can provide you with some common cost drivers that are often associated with companies like Walmart.

1. Labor Costs: Labor is a significant cost driver for Walmart due to its extensive workforce. Besides wages, other labor-related costs include benefits, training, and recruitment expenses.

2. Inventory Management: Walmart's inventory management is crucial to its success. Efficiently managing inventory levels, transportation, and warehousing costs are essential to minimize holding costs and maximize profitability.

3. Logistics and Supply Chain: Walmart relies on a complex logistics network to move products from suppliers to stores. Costs associated with transportation, fuel, distribution centers, and delivery can impact the company's overall expenses.

4. Real Estate and Store Operations: Operating thousands of stores across different locations incurs expenses in terms of leasing or owning properties, store maintenance, utilities, security, and store staffing.

5. Technology and IT Infrastructure: As a large retail corporation, Walmart invests heavily in technology for inventory management, point-of-sale systems, supply chain optimization, and online sales operations. These investments can be significant cost drivers.

6. Marketing and Advertising: Walmart invests in various marketing and advertising campaigns to attract customers, promote products, and build brand loyalty. These costs include media buying, print, TV, and digital advertising expenses.

7. Regulatory Compliance: Compliance with various governmental regulations, such as labor laws, safety standards, environmental regulations, and international trade policies, can be a significant cost for large corporations like Walmart.

It is worth noting that the cost drivers may vary based on industry dynamics, company strategies, and market conditions. To get a precise understanding of Walmart's cost drivers, you would need to refer to their public financial statements, annual reports, or consult specific industry analysis reports.