Which of the following sets standards for physical environments to be accessible and appropriate for children with special needs? A. SACERS B. SRTS C. ADA D. WIA


I asked you not to post this question again since I've already checked it twice, and both times you had wrong answers.

The correct answer is C. ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act).

To determine the answer, you can use the following steps:

1. Understand the question: The question is asking which of the given options sets standards for physical environments that are accessible and appropriate for children with special needs.

2. Review the options:
- A. SACERS: The SACERS (School-Age Care Environment Rating Scale) is an assessment tool used to evaluate the quality of school-age child care programs. It does not specifically focus on standards for physical environments for children with special needs.
- B. SRTS: SRTS (Safe Routes to School) is a program that aims to make walking and biking to school safer and more accessible for students. It does not specifically focus on standards for physical environments for children with special needs.
- C. ADA: The Americans with Disabilities Act is a federal law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities. It sets standards for accessibility in public buildings, including schools and child care facilities. These standards ensure that physical environments are accessible and appropriate for children with special needs.
- D. WIA: WIA (Workforce Investment Act) is a now-defunct federal law that governed federally funded training and employment programs. It is not directly related to setting standards for physical environments for children with special needs.

3. Determine the correct answer: Among the given options, the ADA is the law that sets standards for physical environments to be accessible and appropriate for children with special needs.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. ADA.