How do you say "I'm walking"? "Je marche"?


I agree with Ms. Sue.

"I'm walking" is "Je marche" in French.

However, don't get confused with the below French phrase.

"I'm walking alone" is "Je marche seul" in French.

Yes, in French, "I'm walking" can be translated as "Je marche." To arrive at this translation, you need to understand the conjugation of the verb "marcher" (to walk) for the pronoun "I" in French.

Here's a step-by-step breakdown of how you can derive this translation:

1. Identify the verb: In this case, the verb is "marcher" (to walk).

2. Determine the subject: The subject is "I."

3. Apply the appropriate conjugation: The present tense of "marcher" conjugated for "I" is "Je marche." This means that the verb ending changes to "-e" when used with the subject pronoun "Je" (I).

So, by following these steps, you can correctly say "I'm walking" as "Je marche" in French.