I don't know what to talk about in my essay fot Salt and SUB 4:00

I'm follwing the format and am writing about Salt first. Sense the book dosen't really tell a story I can't really critizize charecter development, time and setting or anything.

Can I have some suggestions please on how I should critizize this book on if it was successful (ouch) or not.


Are you talking about a book titled “Salt: A World History” by Mark Kurlansky? How much of it did you read?

Whatever the book title is, try explaining what you didn't like about it (or did like) in your own words.

I'm talking about Salt A Wrorld History

I read like the whole thing. I skipped a few pages here and there. like I said thought it was good it did it's purpose to inform me on salt and it's purpose. The only thing I didn't like was how he brought up reciepes left and right on how to make fermented stuff. I didn't like the book I just thought it did it's purpose.

I really don't know what to do.

You may find some of the readers' opinions at this website useful or interesting.


Many agree that the book is a collection of vignettes and recipes that attempt to show the importance of salt in human events. It may go a bit too far in an attempt to be entertaining, but it seemed to succeed.

I have not read the book. Don't be afraid to state your own opinions of the book. At least you won't have to write about plot, character development, and symbolism.

When analyzing a book like "Salt" by Nayyirah Waheed, which is a collection of poetry rather than a traditional narrative, it's important to adjust your approach to meet the form's unique characteristics. Although there may not be a linear story or well-defined characters, you can still critically analyze various aspects of the book to evaluate its success. Here are a few suggestions to critique "Salt":

1. Theme and Subject Matter: Explore the themes and subjects that the poems in "Salt" address. Consider how effectively the author tackles these topics and whether they resonate with the reader. Evaluate the relevance, originality, and depth of the themes presented.

2. Language and Style: Analyze the language and writing style used throughout the collection. Examine the use of imagery, metaphors, and symbolism to convey meaning. Assess the effectiveness of the author's poetic devices and their impact on the overall reading experience.

3. Emotional Impact: Reflect on how the book evokes emotions in the reader. Consider whether the poems provoke thought, inspire reflection, or elicit certain feelings. Evaluate the success of the book in connecting with its audience on an emotional level.

4. Cohesion and Flow: Explore how the poems in "Salt" are organized and connected. Assess whether the collection has a cohesive flow or if it feels disjointed. Analyze the transitions between poems and how they contribute to the overall reading experience.

5. Social and Cultural Commentary: Consider whether "Salt" provides any commentary or insights into social or cultural issues. Evaluate the book's ability to shed light on important topics or to engage readers in meaningful discussions.

Remember, with a book like "Salt," it's essential to appreciate the unique qualities of poetry and focus on the author's creative choices and their impact. By considering these elements, you should be able to offer a thoughtful critique of the book's success.