The formula l=8t^2/pi^2 represents the swing of a pendulum. In this formula, l is the length of the pendulum, in feet, and t is the time, in seconds, it takes to swing back and forth once. Whst is the length of a pendulum that makes one swing in 2s?

Please help!! Thank you for your time

L = 8(2^2)/π^2 = 32/π^2

How far out do you want π in decimal places?

To find the length of a pendulum that makes one swing in 2 seconds, we can substitute the given time value (t = 2) into the formula l = 8t^2/π^2.

Substituting t = 2 into the formula:
l = 8 * (2)^2 / π^2

Simplifying this expression:
l = 8 * 4 / π^2
l = 32 / π^2

Therefore, the length of the pendulum that makes one swing in 2 seconds is 32 / π^2 feet.