Follow the directions in parentheses to write four sentences with gerunds.

1. (Use the gerund singing as a predicate nominative.)

A: My favorite activity is singing.

2. (Use the gerund dancing as a subject.)

A: The girl's dancing forced us to our feet.

3. (Use the gerund trembling as a object of a preposition.)

A: As many times as I've warmed myself by the fire, I can't stop trembling.

4. (Use the gerund longing as a direct object.)

A: The starry sky fills me with longing to lay beside him.

3. No.

4. No.

4. My longing makes my heart ache.

3. My body perspires heavily instead of trembling.

1. Singing is a great way to relieve stress.

2. Dancing is a popular form of exercise.
3. I found myself trembling with excitement when I won the lottery.
4. The sound of waves crashing on the shore always leaves me longing for a beach vacation.