Silver carbonate [AgCar] has a density of 6.077 g/cm3. Calculate the mass (in fg) of carbon atoms [C] present in a AgCar crystal that has a volume of 457.6 Å3.

To calculate the mass of carbon atoms present in the AgCar crystal, you need to use the following steps:

Step 1: Convert the given volume from cubic ångströms (ų) to cubic centimeters (cm³).
1 ų = 1 × 10^-24 cm³

To convert, you can use the following conversion factor:
457.6 ų * (1 × 10^-24 cm³ / 1 ų) = 4.576 × 10^-22 cm³

Step 2: Use the density of AgCar to find the mass of the AgCar crystal.
Density = mass/volume

Rearranging the equation to find mass:
mass = density * volume
mass = 6.077 g/cm³ * 4.576 × 10^-22 cm³

Step 3: Convert the mass of the AgCar crystal from grams (g) to femtograms (fg).
1 g = 1 × 10^15 fg

To convert, you can use the following conversion factor:
mass = (6.077 g/cm³ * 4.576 × 10^-22 cm³) * (1 × 10^15 fg / 1 g)

Calculating the final result will give you the mass of the AgCar crystal in femtograms.

457.6 A^3 = V

457.6 A^3 x (1 x 10^-8 cm)^3 = volume in cubic centimeters.
mass = volume x density = calculate mass = approx 3E-21 grams.
mols Ag2CO3 = grams/molar mass = ?
There is 1 mol C for 1 mol Ag2CO3 so mols C = mols Ag2CO3
Then g C atoms = mols C atoms x atomic mass C atoms.