javia ran 8 laps around a track to run a total of 1 mile on monday. How many laps will she need to run on tuesday to run 3/8 of a mike?

8/1 = (3/8)/x

Cross multiply and solve for x.

To find out how many laps Javia needs to run on Tuesday to cover 3/8 of a mile, we can set up a proportion.

First, let's find the number of laps it takes to run 1 mile. According to the given information, Javia ran 8 laps to cover 1 mile on Monday. So, the ratio of laps to miles is 8 laps : 1 mile.

Now, we can create a proportion using this ratio:

8 laps / 1 mile = x laps / (3/8) mile

To solve the proportion, we can cross-multiply:

8 laps * (3/8) mile = 1 mile * x laps

(8 * 3) laps = x

24 laps = x

So, Javia needs to run 24 laps on Tuesday to cover 3/8 of a mile.