Ed is using the recipe shown to make fruit salad. He wants to use 30 diced strawberries in his fruit salad. How many bananas, apples, and pears should Ed use in his fruit salad? The chart lists 4 bananas diced, 3 apples diced, 6 pears diced, 10 strawberries diced. Please help answer thx

He uses 12 bananas, 9 apples, and 18 pears

If the strawberries are multiplied by 3, the same needs to be done for the other fruits.


To determine the number of bananas, apples, and pears Ed should use in his fruit salad, we need to find the ratio of strawberries to the other fruits in the recipe.

According to the recipe, there are 10 diced strawberries and 4 diced bananas. We can use this ratio to find the number of bananas needed for 30 diced strawberries.

First, let's find the ratio of strawberries to bananas: 10 strawberries / 4 bananas = 30 strawberries / x bananas.

Cross-multiplying, we get: 10x = 4 * 30.

Simplifying further, we have: 10x = 120.

Dividing both sides of the equation by 10, we find: x = 12.

So, for 30 diced strawberries, Ed should use 12 diced bananas.

Similarly, we can find the number of diced apples by using the same ratio. According to the recipe, there are 10 strawberries and 3 diced apples.

Using the ratio: 10 strawberries / 3 apples = 30 strawberries / y apples.

Cross-multiplying, we have: 10y = 3 * 30.

Simplifying, we get: 10y = 90.

Dividing both sides by 10, we find: y = 9.

Therefore, for 30 diced strawberries, Ed should use 9 diced apples.

Lastly, we can find the number of diced pears using the same approach. According to the recipe, there are 10 strawberries and 6 diced pears.

Using the ratio: 10 strawberries / 6 pears = 30 strawberries / z pears.

Cross-multiplying, we have: 10z = 6 * 30.

Simplifying, we get: 10z = 180.

Dividing both sides by 10, we find: z = 18.

So, for 30 diced strawberries, Ed should use 18 diced pears.

To summarize, Ed should use 12 diced bananas, 9 diced apples, and 18 diced pears in his fruit salad.