A sticker is 1.2 cm wide how many stickers will fit edge to edge on a strip of paper that is 108 Centimeters long

well, 108/1.2 = 90



30 its the correct answer


A stiker is 1.2 centimeters wide.How many stikers will fit edge on a strip of paper that is 108 centimeters long



To find out how many stickers will fit edge to edge on a strip of paper, you need to divide the length of the strip by the width of each sticker.

Given that the width of each sticker is 1.2 cm and the length of the strip is 108 cm, you can use the following formula to calculate the number of stickers:

Number of stickers = Length of strip / Width of each sticker

Number of stickers = 108 cm / 1.2 cm

Now, all you need to do is perform the division:

Number of stickers = 90

Therefore, you can fit 90 stickers edge to edge on a strip of paper that is 108 centimeters long.