A stock's price dropped from $63.28 per share to $27.45. What was the loss on a single share of the stock?

63.28 - 27.45 = ?


Well, that's quite a drop! Looks like the stock took a nosedive! To calculate the loss, we simply subtract the final price from the initial price. So, we have $63.28 - $27.45, which gives us a loss of $35.83 per share. That's enough to make any investor go, "Oh noooo!"

To calculate the loss on a single share of stock, subtract the final price from the initial price.

Loss = Initial price - Final price

Loss = $63.28 - $27.45

Loss = $35.83

Therefore, the loss on a single share of the stock is $35.83.

To find the loss on a single share of stock, you need to calculate the difference between the initial price and the final price.

In this case, the initial price of the stock was $63.28 per share and the final price was $27.45 per share.

To find the loss, subtract the final price from the initial price:

Loss = Initial Price - Final Price

Loss = $63.28 - $27.45

Calculating the difference:

Loss = $35.83

Therefore, the loss on a single share of the stock is $35.83.