What tool can you obtain from schools to help you plan year-round programming?

A. Sewing machine B. Policy and procedures manual C. Public transportation D. Academic calendar


I think there's a better answer -- assuming you're doing after-school child care.


Thank you

You're welcome.

To answer this question, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by understanding the question: The question asks about a tool that can be obtained from schools to help plan year-round programming.

2. Evaluate each option: Let's evaluate each option to determine which one can be considered a tool for planning year-round programming:

Option A: Sewing machine - A sewing machine is not related to planning year-round programming, so it can be eliminated.

Option B: Policy and procedures manual - A policy and procedures manual provides guidelines and instructions, which can be helpful in planning year-round programming. It can outline the policies and procedures related to various aspects of programming, which aids in ensuring consistency and efficiency. Therefore, option B is a possible answer.

Option C: Public transportation - Public transportation is unrelated to planning year-round programming, so it can be eliminated.

Option D: Academic calendar - An academic calendar provides information about important dates and events within the school year. It specifies the start and end dates of terms, breaks, holidays, and other significant events. Planning year-round programming often requires aligning activities and events with the academic calendar. Therefore, option D is also a valid answer.

3. Choose the correct option: Based on the evaluation, both option B (Policy and procedures manual) and option D (Academic calendar) can be considered tools that can be obtained from schools to help plan year-round programming. However, the more relevant and widely used tool specifically designed for planning year-round programming is the academic calendar. So, option D is the better answer in this context.

Therefore, the correct answer to the question is D. Academic calendar.