Create the flowchart and algorithm for a module that will prompt the user to enter the amount of cash they have in their pocket. The program should output “Not Enough” ($0 - $0.64), “Vending Machine” ($0.65 - $1.99), “Fast Food” ($2.00 - $4.99), “Cafeteria” ($5.00 - $14.99) or “Steak House” ($15 and up) depending on what the user can afford for lunch.

Sure! Let's start by creating the algorithm to achieve the desired functionality:

1. Start the program.
2. Prompt the user to enter the amount of cash they have in their pocket.
3. Read the input value from the user.
4. Convert the input to a numerical data type.
5. Check the range of the input value using if-else statements or switch-case statements.
a. If the value is between 0 - 0.64, output "Not Enough".
b. If the value is between 0.65 - 1.99, output "Vending Machine".
c. If the value is between 2.00 - 4.99, output "Fast Food".
d. If the value is between 5.00 - 14.99, output "Cafeteria".
e. If the value is 15 and above, output "Steak House".
6. End the program.

Now, let's create the flowchart to visualize the steps mentioned in the algorithm:

[Prompt user]
[Convert to number]
[Perform range checks]
/ \
| | | |
v v v v
[Not Vending Fast |
Enough | Food |
| |
| v
| [Output]
| |
v v
[End] [End and Restart]

That's it! You have the algorithm and the flowchart for the module that prompts the user to enter the amount of cash and outputs the appropriate lunch option based on their budget. Feel free to implement it in your preferred programming language.