If I have an 80 in my class, and I get a 70 on my test which is 33.33% of my grade, what will my overall grade become

I am not sure it would probably go down a little or even come up depending on what are you are your other grades. Can you tell me what are your other grades.

I did to know nowwwwww

To calculate your overall grade after receiving a certain score on a test, you need to consider the weight of the test in relation to your overall grade. In this case, the test is worth 33.33% of your grade.

To calculate your overall grade, follow these steps:

Step 1: Multiply your current grade (80) by the weight of the remaining coursework.
- Since the test is worth 33.33% of your grade, the remaining coursework is worth 66.67% (100% - 33.33%).
- Multiply 80 by 66.67% (0.6667).

(80 * 0.6667 = 53.336)

Step 2: Multiply the test score (70) by the weight of the test.
- The test is worth 33.33% (0.3333) of your grade.
- Multiply 70 by 0.3333.

(70 * 0.3333 = 23.331)

Step 3: Add the results of Step 1 and Step 2 together to get your new overall grade.

(53.336 + 23.331 = 76.667)

So if you have an 80 in your class, and you get a 70 on a test worth 33.33% of your grade, your overall grade would become approximately 76.67.